I've fallen off the bandwagon with the monthly posts & pictures. So here is my attempt to catch up on the last few months.
Our baby is less and less a baby and more and more of a little girl each day! This past week we took the rail off her crib. We haven't had any problems with her getting out of it. No rush to get her out of the crib although I do have a pretty awesome "big girl bed" planned for her thanks to pinterest.
She loves anything art related - she calls markers "colors" and would color all day if you would let her. She also loves play-doh. Toys aren't much of an interest to her these days which is making Christmas shopping extremely challenging. She still loves Sesame Street characters although these days she prefer to watch Mickey cartoons when we let her watch tv. I've been recording the old short cartoons that Kyle & I watched as kids and we've enjoyed watching them as a family. Her other love is the iPad. Her new favorite app is the Easy Bake app where she can decorate cupcakes. She still would prefer to be playing outside but the shorter days and cooler weather are making playing outside harder and harder.
Her vocabulary is shocking - there is truly nothing she can't say - and these days she is regularly talking in sentences. She knows her colors, can sing her ABC's, and can count to ten. She still loves music and loves to sing. She's added quite a few new songs including Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes and Oh How I Love Jesus.
We are in the toddler picky eating stage although we are trying not to indulge her and what we eat for dinner and is generally what she eats or nothing at all. Dinners have been more successful lately with rotisserie chicken, pork tenderloin, and tonight she threw down the steak & broccoli. Lunch is probably the most difficult right now. Favorite foods include yogurt, fruit, applesauce, cheese, cheerios, and your normal kid foods of chicken nuggets, fries, & pizza.
Recently she has started exhibiting fear for the first time. One day she became terrified out of the blue of the bathtub so for now she takes showers with Kyle or I.
Growth wise, she was tracking in the same percentiles at her 18 month appt which was actually more like 19 months. It looks like she's going to be petite - remains in the 5-10% percentile for both height & weight. She is currently wearing 18-24 month tops, pants, dresses, and pajamas. Pants tend to run long and I often have to roll them up. She was just measured for new shoes - size 5.5 although that leaves room for growth. She still has a few pairs of size 4 she is wearing although they are getting short on her toe.
I think that about sums it up. I can't believe we are just 3 short months away from her 2nd birthday!