Emma Claire is 15 weeks old today. Hooray for an on time post! This week's biggest development has been giggles! Monday night we were sitting on the porch (she loves to be outside) and I was trying to get her to smile for some pictures. She laughed once and Kyle and I looked at each other wondering if it was what we thought it was and then she laughed two more times! The picture above was taken as she was giggling. She did it again tonight at dinner while Kyle was talking to her. She has also really started to smile in response to us - when we walk by her, when we talk to her, etc. Although I'm sad she is getting big so fast it sure is wonderful to see those big smiles. They were all I could think about while I was at work today.
She is also getting more controlled with her arms and has discovered sucking on her fists and thumb. She will actually spit out her paci for her fist/thumb. I'm hoping she grows out of this quick as I don't want a thumb sucker on our hands.
This past weekend our friends Dave and Stacie came to visit from PA and brought their daughters, Sarah and Abby. We had a great weekend with them and can't wait to see them hopefully in August at the Outer Banks.
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