Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, July 26, 2010

Overwhelmingly Thankful

Every day we are so thankful for Emma Claire & her health. But some days our time at Duke is particularly near to my heart for no particular reason or because I've heard the story of another preemie. As I drove to drop Emma Claire off at the sitter this morning, one of the radio co-hosts announced the birth of her baby who was early, born due to bleeding, and currently in NICU. A very familiar story. I looked in my rear view mirror at my sweet sweet girl. It's hard to believe just 5 incredibly short months ago our chunky monkey was 4lbs 8 oz and struggling to breathe on her own. It's these moments when I am overwhelming thankful for God's protection and for the doctors and nurses at Duke who took such good care of us.


  1. Your post today just brought tears to my eyes! Hope you have an amazing day!

  2. I have a special place in my heart for preemies as well! I would love to feature Emma Claire's story on my blog to help promote the March of Dimes. Please email me if you are interested! You can change her name and decide not to use pictures if you are worried about privacy issues. It is a public blog. If you go to my March of Dimes page you can also see some previous stories that were featured.

    email -
    blog -
