Wow, my sweet baby girl turned 6 months old on Wednesday. Sadly, we are on the downward slide towards 1 which I am sure will be here all too soon. I can't believe 6 months have already passed since we welcomed her into the world. Selfishly I wish I could keep her this age forever. I know, I know - there is so much ahead of us and I'll love all that too. But right now, I love it when her face lights up when I go to pick her up in the morning. I love looking in my rearview mirror and seeing that sweet girl looking back at me. I love how she coos when we change her diaper - yes, she loves getting her diaper changed. I love how she rubs my chest when she nurses. I love how she lights up for her daddy - no one can make her smile and laugh quite like he can. I love everything about her and this age. She really does have the sweetest spirit. She has put my entire life into such a different perspective. The little things that used to ruin my day or at least put me into a bad mood no longer matter. All that matters is that smiling face waiting on me. She has brought more joy and fulfillment to my life then I ever could have imagined.
Today we had her 6 month check-up. She weighs 15lbs 4 oz and is 24 1/2 inches long. She is a little bit above the 25th percentile for weight and is 25th for head circumference and 10th for height. She's hitting all of her milestones just like she should. She's a healthy girl and we are so thankful.
Here are a few other things worth noting:
Wearing Size 2 Diapers although I think we will be moving up to Size 3 any day now
Still wearing 0-3 dresses and 3-6 of everything else
She loves to make sounds with her mouth - what we call "beat boxing" and she will sometimes imitate us.
She sits up well with support and I don't think she is far off from sitting up on her own.
She grabs toys and most everything including her hands go in her mouth. She particularly loves a rattle toy my sister bought her, her doll Grandma bought her, and her puppy Aunt Katie bought her.
She rolls over from her back to stomach with ease but gets stuck on her stomach and winds up fussing to be rolled back over.
She is sleeping 9-10 hours at night and usually takes 2 long naps, 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. Sometimes she sneaks a quick one in during the evening. She prefers to nap on her side or tummy.
She will crane her head to watch a tv, computer screen, or cell phone. We are going to have to keep a close watch on her. I had to turn off the tv the other day because she was more interested in watching Food Network then playing in her jumperoo.
She loves to be outside.
She rarely cries. She will fuss a little when tired or hungry but that is easily remedied. She is very easy going and will go to most anyone.

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