It's been a busy but fun two weeks! We had dinner with one of our favorite nurses from Duke, Miss April, and her husband. She adores Emma Claire and we were lucky to make such great friends in such an unlikely setting. We had a pool playdate with Jenn & Lilley last Saturday. And Emma Claire got a preview of camping when we went out last Saturday night to enjoy some campfire cooking with Kyle's family who was camping locally for the weekend. We also had dinner with Amanda and Meredith. Miss Amanda made her tutu she is wearing in the picture above. This weekend Kyle and I went to Asheville for the weekend with my college roommate and her husband and left Emma Claire overnight for the first time with Grandma and Pop. They had a fun filled weekend full of lots of hugs and kisses and Kyle and I enjoyed a weekend away as well.
This past week Emma Claire slept through the night (10 hours) for 3 nights in a row. She is now rolling over from her back to stomach - she's done it several times now. She is also finding her voice more and more and can be quite loud :) She has no problem grasping objects now and has even started reaching for them. Probably one of the sweetest things she started doing these past two weeks is taking her hand and rubbing my chest or face while she is nursing. She has also started snuggling when she's tired. She will lay her head down on our shoulder or chest and snuggle in. She's at such a sweet and fun age right now. Kyle and I were wishing this week that we could keep her at this age forever but I know we have lots of fun ahead as well!
Here are a few pictures the past two weeks...

Chillin in her Pack N Play with her toys
Swimming with Lilley
Worn out from swimming
Meredith & Emma Claire meeting for the first time!
What a nice way to start a Monday morning.... She's growing up to fast.